Trade name Pacific Rim Co., Ltd
Address 2-45,Tsukijicho,Hyogo-ku,Kobe city,652-0845,Japan
Estabished on December 14.1988
Capital 10,000,000(ten millions)yen
Settlement team April
Company's bankers

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank,Kobe branch
Shoko Chukin Bank,Kobe office
Mitubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank,Kobe branch
Minato Bank, Kobe Head office

Director Representaive director, Hideyo Otaki
Nature business Export and Import of agricultual and aquatic products and their domestic distribution
Business partners In abroad: USA.,Australia,New Zealand,
China,Taiwan,Hong Kong, Thailand
In Japan:Mass retailer,All Japan Central Market Wholesale Company etc.

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